How to Get Armored Core 6 Coral Weapons? Where to Find Them?

How to get the Armored Core 6 Coral Weapon?

If your goal is to get the coveted Coral weapon in Armored Core 6, follow these steps:

Step 1: Complete the main story twice

Before you can begin your search for these precious weapons, you must complete the main story not just once, but twice. This achievement takes you into Armored Core 6’s challenging New Game++ mode. This mode is reserved for experienced mech pilots who are familiar with the complexities and challenges of Armored Core 6. It ensures that only the most skilled players have access to these top-tier weapons.

Step Two: Find the Coral Weapon

  1. Coral Rifle IB-C03W1: WLT 011

    • This powerful rifle can be unlocked in the Arena during New Game++ mode. The accuracy and firepower it provides are essential to any mech pilot’s arsenal.
  2. Coral rifle IA-C01W6: NB-REDSHIFT

    • Another rifle, similar to the WLT, can also be found in the Arena during New Game++. It has excellent firepower and battlefield adaptability.
  3. Coral Oscillator IB-C03W2: WLT-101

    • This unique melee weapon requires Hunter level 15 and showcases your skill and dedication as a pilot. Additionally, you’ll need to collect all of the battle logs scattered throughout Armored Core 6 to prove your mastery of the game’s nuances.
  4. Core Oscillator IA-C01W7: ML-Redshift

    • Another melee wonder, this oscillator is unlocked through challenges in the Arena during the New Game++ phase. This proves your prowess in both ranged and melee combat scenarios.
  5. Coral Missile Launcher IB-C03W3: NGI 006

    • You can access this missile launcher in Mission 36 during New Game++. It combines raw damage with tactical depth, allowing you to control combat remotely.
  6. Coral Shield IB-C03W4: NGI 028

    • This shield also appears in Mission 36’s New Game++ stage, where it not only provides extra protection but also serves as a marker on your journey through Armored Core 6’s toughest challenges.

What is the Coral Weapon in Armored Core 6?

In Armored Core 6, Coral Weapons are super powerful tools that you can acquire later in the game when you play the game in New Game++ mode.

These weapons are very powerful and eye-catching because they glow with a cool red light. Not only do they have strong attacks, but they also have special abilities and impressive animations. Obtaining these weapons means you have conquered a difficult part of Armored Core 6, showing that you are an expert at the game.

How to get the Armored Core 6 Coral Weapon? Where can I find them?


Where can I find the Coral Weapon in Armored Core 6?

Coral weapons can be found in a variety of ways:

Analysis Arena: Defeat powerful opponents in the Analysis Arena to unlock the Coral Weapon in New Game++.

Quests: Certain coral weapons are found in specific quests, such as the “Regain Control of the Xylem” quest, and you may find them in chests.

Hunter Level: Reach Hunter Level 15 to obtain specific coral weapons through Loghunt program rewards.

Armored Core 6 Overview

Armored Core 6 is a video game about giant robot battles. It is produced by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. In the game, you will become a pilot and control these powerful robots called “Armored Cores”. You can change and upgrade these robots with different parts and give them lots of different weapons. There is also a mode called Arena where you can compete against other players.

When you perform well in tasks, you can earn in-game money called points. Unlike older games, you don’t lose money if you fail a mission in this game.

Armored Core 6 gameplay

In Armored Core 6, gameplay focuses on intense mech-vehicle combat. Players will play the role of skilled pilots and control powerful mechas called “Armored Cores”. These mechs can be extensively customized with a variety of parts, allowing players to fine-tune and enhance their abilities.

An outstanding feature of the game is the freedom to equip mechas with various weapons. There are slots for weapons – one on each arm and two on the back of the mech. This rich arsenal provides players with strategic flexibility when fighting.

The arena concept is a continuation of previous games in the series, preserved through the Combat Capability Assessment Program. In this mode, players can test their skills and compete with other players. Successfully completing missions earns you in-game currency called points. The number of credits earned is affected by goals achieved during these assignments, and uncompleted goals may be deducted.

Unlike earlier games in the series, Armored Core 6 does away with the debt system, which used to cause players to lose money when they failed a mission. Players can now attempt missions as many times as they like without worrying about losing hard-earned points.

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