How to Complete Search the Cellar in Baldur’s Gate 3? Unraveling the Hidden Secrets

What are the crypts in Baldur’s Gate 3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Search the Vault mission takes players to a hidden underground location beneath a blighted village. The cellar belonged to a healer who, it turned out, secretly practiced necromancy. To access the hidden passage, players need to find a hut in the Blighted Village and enter it. Inside, they’ll find a bookcase hiding a secret switch. Move some crates out of the way and pull the switch to reveal the cellar door.

Once inside the crypt, players will encounter the undead lurking in rotting coffins. These creatures pose a threat and should be dealt with, and having a Priest in the party may be beneficial in eliminating them. Quests include exploring the crypt, finding a dark journal, and advancing to a hidden laboratory. Here, players can find valuable loot, including the popular Sai’s Necromancy book. The quest also presents the moral decision of whether to destroy or unlock this powerful book.

How to complete the crypt search in Baldur’s Gate 3?

To complete the “Search the Vaults” quest in Baldur’s Gate 3, follow these steps:

  • Discover the Hidden Hut: Start by exploring the Blighted Village, part of the Baldur’s Gate 3 campaign. Keep an eye out for hidden huts in the village. Once you find it, enter the hut to begin the quest.
  • Uncover the secret switch: Inside the cabin you’ll find a bookcase that hides the secret switch to the cellar. To reveal the switch, you need to move some crates next to the bookcase. By doing this, you will expose the switch, which is essential for accessing the cellar.
  • Open the Cellar Door: Pull the revealed secret switch to open the cellar door. When the door opens, you’ll find yourself walking into a hidden and mysterious underground location.
  • Fight Undead Enemies: Once you enter the crypt, prepare to face a horde of undead enemies. These creatures are hostile and will attack you, so arm your party and develop a combat strategy to overcome this challenge.
  • Interact with the Dark Diary: As you make your way through the cellar, keep an eye out for the Dark Diary on the ground. Interact with it to obtain a quest, which will provide you with valuable information about the Necromancer and its activities.
  • Ornate Mirror Puzzle: Go deeper into the cellar and you’ll encounter an ornate mirror. This mysterious mirror will engage in dialogue with you and ask questions. First, answer the mirror’s questions correctly to prove your worth as an ally to the mirror’s owner.
  • Explore the Hidden Laboratory: After passing the test of the ornate mirror, you will enter a large hidden laboratory in the cellar. This laboratory is used by the undead for experiments, and contains valuable loot and items for your party to collect.
  • Decide the fate of the “Thay Necromancy” book: In the laboratory you will encounter the powerful “Thay Necromancy” book. Here, you face a critical decision: either destroy the book with a radiation damage spell to prevent its dark influence, or use the Dark Amethyst to unlock it to further explore its secrets.

Keep in mind that your choices and actions throughout the mission may have consequences, affecting the outcome of the story and the fate of the characters in Baldur’s Gate 3. Please proceed with caution and be prepared for challenges and rewards as you complete Search the Vault. ” Pursue.


“Baldur’s Gate 3” gameplay

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a role-playing video game that emphasizes looting, leveling up, and completing quests in a classic RPG style. The game is set in the iconic Baldur’s Gate universe and offers players a plethora of main and side quests. The “Search the Crypt” mission, located beneath the Blighted Village, introduces players to an interesting and dangerous storyline involving a healer practicing necromancy.

Players must explore hidden vaults, face undead enemies, and solve puzzles to complete the mission. Along the way, they encounter an ornate mirror that raises questions that need to be carefully answered before they can proceed. Decisions made during missions affect the outcome, and players can choose to destroy or unlock the powerful Necronomicon, which affects the story and characters.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Hidden Secrets

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players a vast and fascinating world full of hidden secrets and mysteries waiting to be solved. Beyond the beaten path of main quests and side quests, there is a land of little-known areas and hidden passages that invite adventurers on a thrilling journey of discovery.

Not only are these hidden locations filled with valuable loot, but they also offer unique encounters and mind-bending puzzles that challenge players’ wits and cunning. As players delve deeper into these mysterious secrets, they will gain access to a rich gameplay experience, uncovering untold stories and rare treasures that are essential to their daring adventures in the enchanting world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Uncover the mystery of the forgotten tomb:

Deep within the bustling streets of Baldur’s Gate lies a forgotten tomb shrouded in darkness and ancient secrets. Those brave enough to venture into its depths will face intricate inscriptions and cunning traps left behind by its long-gone inhabitants. As brave adventurers navigate the vault’s chambers, they encounter powerful guardians who protect the vault’s hidden treasures. The rewards hidden in this eerie and mysterious place are of great value to any party, providing them with powerful items and knowledge to help them complete their quest.

Exploring Forgotten Crypts provides players with exciting challenges that test their wits and skills. Deciphering mysterious inscriptions and outsmarting traps requires keen observation and careful planning. Only the most skilled and brave adventurers can uncover the secrets buried within and emerge triumphant from the depths of the crypt, their pockets filled with treasure and their names forever etched in the annals of Baldur’s Gate 3. superior.

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